Organizational Documents


Operations Manual


Purpose: The Inter Agency Committee for the Marine Transportation System (ICMTS) elected to use this document as a vehicle to provide guidance for local coordination of the Marine Transportation System. 

NVIC 01-25


Membership Outreach
  • A member of the Executive Committee will chair this committee. Any other interested party can participate.
  • Identify groups or industry which have a stake in the safety of vessel traffic in the Lower Columbia Region.
  • Engage in outreach to identified groups or industry to cultivate membership.
  • Communicate with members who have not renewed to identify barriers to membership and increase retention.
Navigation (Bridges)
  • A river or bar pilot will chair this committee. Any other interested party can participate.
  • Identify hazards or impediments to safe vessel traffic in the Lower Columbia Region.
  • Bring potential solutions or initiatives to address navigation issues to the Board for approval.
  • Advance or advocate in writing and/or by attending meetings the solutions which have been approved by the Board.
Harbor Safety Plan
  • A member of the Executive Committee will chair this committee. Any other interested party can participate.
  • Per NVIC 1-00, recommending actions to improve the safety, security, mobility and environmental protection of a port or waterway.
  • Maintain and update the plan as needed to reflect the consensus of the Harbor Safety Subcommittee
  • Updates of the plan are approved by the LCRHSC Board