Lower Columbia Region Bridge Work

Project Information Hub

Earthquake Ready Burnside Bridge:
Multnomah County is conducting a project to provide the community with a reliable Willamette River crossing on the Burnside regional lifeline route after a major earthquake.

Sign up for email alerts about this project: https://multco.us/earthquake-ready-burnside-bridge/webform/contact-us

Project Website: https://multco.us/earthquake-ready-burnside-bridge


Morrison Bridge Painting Project (January 2021-2022)

The steel on the two fixed and two moveable river spans of the Morrison Bridge will be repainted, as well as the span between the East Bank Esplanade and the river spans. The existing paint is peeling and must be replaced to avoid corrosion of the structural steel members. After the paint is removed, any corroded steel will be replaced before the span is repainted.

The old paint is lead-based, so each section of the bridge being painted will be fully encased to prevent the paint removal process from harming the environment. When the project is complete the newly painted spans will be lead-free.

As part of this project, we will perform structural analysis on the bridge’s steel members. We will identify any damage and make needed repairs.



Project completed in October 2020.

To see work done or read more about this project, please visit: https://www.interstatebridge.org/


Oregon-Washington I-5 Bridge Officially Restarted (November 20, 2019)

Project Report expected December 2020.
