Columbia River Tsunami Modeling

Special Paper 51, Columbia River tsunami modeling: toward improved maritime planning response
Dr. Jonathan Allan, Coastal Geomorphologist with the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI), presented his work on maritime tsunami modeling for the Columbia River system to the Lower Columbia Region Harbor Safety Committee in 2018. The reports are now available for download for your reference.
Special Paper 51, Columbia River tsunami modeling: toward improved maritime planning response
by Jonathan C. Allan, Joseph Zhang, Fletcher E. O’Brien, and Laura L. Gabel
–includes two animations of modeled tsunami progression up the Columbia River.
Interactive map – Pacific Northwest Tsunami Evacuation Zones.
Maritime Tsunami Response Guidance (MTRG): MTRG: 2018-OR-01–Port of Astoria, Tongue Point, and lower Columbia River estuary
by Jonathan C. Allan
–guidance for operators of small watercraft and commercial fishing vessels in the event of a distant tsunami; this publication is based on the modeling presented in Special Paper 51.
Questions or comments should be directed to:
Jonathan Allan, Ph.D | Coastal Geomorphologist
Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries
Oregon Science Lead, National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program (NTHMP)
Coastal Field Office, P.O. Box 1033, Newport, OR 97365, USA
Ph. (1+541) 819-9023 | email:

Additional Resources:
Oregon statewide maritime guidance for all types of tsunamis is contained in the brochure “Tsunami! What Oregon Boat Owners Need to Know.“
The brochure offers information about response and readiness for a local Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake and tsunami, which would strike the coast in as little as 10 minutes.